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Interior Spokesperson Usec. Jonathan Malaya gives his opinion about why the COVID-19 case surges in the country.

In a radio program “Ride Radio ng One PH” Malaya said that there are two (2) reasons causing the surge of COVID-19 cases in the country. He said that one of the reasons is because of the feelings that people are now getting stressed and fatigue over the issue the reason that people are getting lax.

 The second one is the “vaccine optimism.” People knows that there are now available vaccines of more than 1 million from Sinovac and Astrazeneca making the people think this is the end of pandemic so everyone going out without extra precautionary measure.


On the other hand, many people claimed that pandemic is a money matters citing that some other medical issue charged to COVID-19 disease even if it’s not true.

How about you, what is your opinion of this COVID-19 issue, is there really a possibility of money interest behind this?

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