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Former President of the America, Barack Obama took to his social media account on Twitter to tell the American youth that their generation can create a new normal in America.

On the video he made released on Tuesday evening prior to hit the campaign trail in favor to Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

On the actual video of Barack Obama, he said the following statement…

Hey, everybody.
One of the most inspiring things about this year has been to see so many young Americans fired up, organizing, marching, and fighting for change.
Your generation can be the one that creates a new normal in America- one that’s fairer, where the system treats everybody equally, and gives everybody opportunity.
We can come out of this moment stronger than before.
Voting doesn’t accomplish that on its own. But we can’t accomplish that without voting.
I know there’s plenty out there to make people feel cynical. And plenty of people are going to seize on that to convince you that your vote doesn’t matter. It’s not new.
It’s one of the oldest voter suppression tactics there is. What is new is growing movement for justice, equality, and progress on so many issues.
This is really a tipping point and that momentum only continues if we win this election.
In times as polarized as these, your vote doesn’t just matter- it matters more than ever before.
And to change the game on any of the issues we care about, Joe Biden needs your vote.
I know Joe better than almost anybody. I trust him to be a great president. He’s different. He’s on the right side of the issues. He’ll get the job done. And Joe and Kamala will want you to keep pushing them to get the job done.
Participate and vote. It’s not always pretty- trust me I know. But it’s how bit by bit, we’ve made progress over the generations. And it’s how your generation is going to change the game entirely.
Go to to make your plan, then get some friend to join you.
Let’s go win this thing.

Watch video here:

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