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Viral now in social media is the recent post of a certain netizen pointing out a former student of Riverside Medical College named “Leftenant Harvey Temana” to be a psychotic maniac.

In the photo you can see a conversation wherein this student is flexing his s3xual ventures with various girls but the worst is he engage in an intercourse with a 13 years old girl.

The picture is posted by a netizen named Nick Ngamkhuntod which aims to post awareness to girls out there to avoid this person as possible to protect them from being victimized by Temana.


Temana also seen with a mugshot image handling a placard with a s3xual harassment caption, the photo is speculated came from his close friends. There is also caption of a famous serial killer named Ted Bundy which believe his role model.

Creepy, but true it is better to keep away from this guys especially the girls out there.

Meanwhile Riverside College recently released a statement that Temana is there former student with no connection with this student any more.

It is better to be informed to avoid more victims courtesy of this guy, what makes him controversial is making love with a minor that can put him into prison.

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