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Another personality from the showbiz industries comes out to speak before idol Raffy Tulfo to defend comedian and TV hosts Super Tekla. Here comes Ogie Diaz, Manager Rose Conde and Donita Nose to defend Super Tekla against accusations of Michelle Bagaan.

In this video appeared Donita Nose, one of the close friends of Super Tekla to defend against the accusation of Michelle Bagaan. Donita explained about the good deeds of Tekla like when he stopped using drugs. Donita also revealed that the absence of intimacy between Tekla and Michelle was one of the main reasons of their problem.

In the Part2 of the video, Ogie Diaz opened up the question to Michelle if she pursue the case or settle the problem as well as about their condo unit burned under the charge of Michelle at that time from which she was questioned about the matter.

However, the manager of the comedian Rose Conde explained about the video. According to her the video was planned for the purpose of complaining to Raffy Tulfo. She also revealed that Michelle used to stoles the ATM of Tekla and withdraws money from there for her gambling habits. But idol Raffy Tulfo tried to neutralize the issue as Tekla also was used to do the same vices.

Watch the two compiled videos from Raffy Tulfo in Action.

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