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Viva Artists Agency filed a lawsuit against Nadine Lustre before QCRTC earlier today. According to a statement sent by Viva, the lawsuit was filed because early this year, Nadine violated her valid and existing ‘agency and management contract’.

Lustre contracted independently with advertisers, promoters, and other third parties, disregarding her exclusive contract with Viva. The lawsuit filed seeks to stop Nadine from continuously violating her ‘agency and management contract’ with VAA.

Chino Roxas, the legal counsel of Viva Artist Agency, said that the celebrity should respect the sanctity of contracts that she signed. “Ms. Lustre should honor & respect the sanctity of contracts & that third parties are put on notice that any direct dealings w/ Ms. Lustre for her services as a performing artist or endorser shall be in violation of Ms. Lustre’s contract w/ VAA,” the attorney quipped.

The #IStandWithNadine is now viral on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Here are some comments of the Netizens:

@Serendipity, People speaking as if having that contract is the end of it, that there’s no remedy. FYI, there’s this thing you call “termination clause” and that’s why we have the Civil Code. Laws are there to protect us from unjust and unlawful contracts. #IStandWithNadine

@NOZOMIK0MIYAA, I really hope Nadine wins this. Imagine one of the biggest artist in our country fighting an opressive and manipulative management. The doors she will open for all of the other artist out there who are still finding their own voice to speak up.

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