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The foul play issue on Christine Dacera case seems hard to establish in the since that respondents gives the same story on their testimony.

During the interview with Karen Davila of ANC 24/7, one of the respondents Rommel Galido recalled that Christine was still breathing when he woke up at 10:00am on January 1, 2021. He said he wake Christine up and tried to transfer her on the bed so that she is comfortable. He noted that Rey Englis was also wake up at the time preparing to leave the room for his personal appointment.

Based on her statement, Galido confirmed that Christine was still breathing but he noticed that she closed her eyes. Galido did not expect something bad for Christine as she signals her hand to Galido to move away based on his interpretation to the gesture of Christine.  So he presumed that Christine was comfortable at the bathtub.

Galido narrated that he took blanket and put it on Christine and he come back to bed. At around 12:00 noontime he came to check Christine back and ask her to go home because Galido said he has yet to work but find out that Christine was no longer breathing and loses her false bit.

Watch video here to know their stories:

Video courtesy to ANC YouTube channel

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