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Miss Grand International 2020 is Abena Appiah from the United States of America. Scores are tied for the remaining 3 finalists: Ivana Batchelor
Guatemala, Samantha Bernardo Philippines, and Abena Appiah from United States of America. Scores back to zero. One more question.

FINAL QUESTION: If there is only one dose of COVID-19 vaccine left, who would you choose to give it to? Either between at 16-year-old or a 70-year-old senior citizen.

My heart goes to senior citizen because my mom is turning senior citizen and I experienced the loss of my dad four years ago. (Miss Philippines 2020)

Winner: Miss Grand International 2020 is from United States of America

1st Runner-Up is Miss Grand Philippines
2nd Runner-Up is Miss Grand Guatemala
3rd Runner-Up is Miss Grand Indonesia
4th Runner-Up is Miss Grand Brazil

Miss Grand International 2020 Top 5 Final Q&A Portion

Top 10 Finalist of Miss Grand International 2020 Announced

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