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Bela Padilla went viral on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Bela has a bad experienced with Bureau of Customs in the Philippines.

According to the actress, “”A few months ago, a Spanish brand reached out to me if they can send me 2 pairs of shoes. I said yes and sent my details. They confirmed shipment in April. Last week, I informed them that I haven’t received the shoes yet. Apparently, our customs was charging them an addtl [sic] 10,500 pesos even if they paid for shipping through @DHLUS already. Two days ago I called DHL, and they said I needed to pay 9,000 and the 10,500 to receive the shoes.”

Hello Ms. Bela P, hihingi at hihingi ang BOC ng Proof of Payment kahit na declared as gift yan dahil need nila Ng basehan ng pagkukunan ng Duties and Taxes, kapag wala kang mapresent hahanap sila ng Value of Goods sa data base nila, @dxceni tweet.

She replied, “The items are not just “declared” as gifts. They actually are. And I offered to send DHL screenshots to prove this, how do you still not understand sir? I cannot pull a receipt out of thin air for something I did not buy. Seriously just unfollow me already.”

She also stated that all the phone calls were useless and the shoes are in some warehouse right now collecting dust.

“I wanna know where they get these rates that they seem to pull out of thin air. This isn’t the first time. Our customs, always a rip-off,” she added.

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