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An Indonesian woman who was able to sell her father’s motorcycle just to buy an airplane ticket in order to meet her Crush. She wanted to fly to Jakarta to meet her ‘crush’ the this news went viral on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

She met the guy through online game and wanting to see him. She wants to see and be with her ‘online crush,’ she was able to sell her father’s motorcycle for 20 million rupiahs or the equivalent of Php67,000.

Suddenly, the guy did not want to see her and this girl seen crying in the airport.The woman still wanted to fly to Jakarta but was stopped after her parents saw her viral video shared by @ndorobeii on her Instagram.

“Jual motor bapaknya, trus ke Jakarta, demi ketemuan ama org yg main bareng game online… 💀💀💀 nyampe Jakarta malah terdampar di bandara.”
(Sell ​​​​her father’s motorbike, then go to Jakarta, to meet people who play online games together… arrived in Jakarta instead stranded at the airport)

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