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Devotees of the Black Nazarene cannot be controlled even if they can violate the quarantine protocol as ordered to follow by the the church officials. people pressed to come close when they learned holy water was showered after the mass service in Quiapo Church.

Despite of pandemic and the danger to get infected by the deadly virus, there are still thousands of devotees coming from different places in the country.


The video footage below shows how the people draw close after learning holy water was shed.

Ahead of time prior to the celebration of the Black Nazarene, the local government of Manila has ordered the cancellation of this year’s grand procession knowing that there are millions of Catholics believers come to street to join the parade which normally takes more than 20 hours.

For the safety measure, the government ordered cancellation of the parade but the church organizers hold at least 15 masses in replace of the street parade.

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